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This story is dedicated to all those who believe in friendship.

 Once upon a time there lived two great friends in a hamlet near Jaipur. Jay and Vijay had been friends since their childhood. Now they were studying in a college, which was at far distance from their place. In the way they had to cross a river, pass hills and sandy area too. They used to go to college together. Their friendship was famous in college.
One rainy  day the two friends set out for college as usual. They were chatting while walking. Perhaps they were discussing some point of atomic theory which was taught on previous day. The two had different opinions.
 There began heated arguments. This was followed by abusive language by both sides. Things got so bad that in a fit of anger Jay slapped Vijay. Shell shocked Vijay stared at his friend and wrote on sand that “today my best friend slapped me.” 
Both resumed their walk but now they were silent. Meanwhile they reached the river which was overflowing today. Vijay was not a good swimmer. He stepped into the river but … began to drown and flow with force of water in the direction of the flood. Jay saw this and without thinking for a second jumped into the river. With difficulty he could drag Vijay out of the river. He helped Vijay restore his normal breath. When Vijay became normal, he wrote on a hill that “today my best friend saved my life.”
Jay who was observing all this could not help asking “why did you write it on sand when I slapped you and why are you writing on the hill when I’ve saved your life?” Vijay replied that “we should soon forget wrong done by our friends and dear ones as writing on sand gets erased in no time, but if they do something good for us we should always remember their kindness just as writing on stones is for ever.” Saying this Vijay hugged his friends and two wend to college as if nothing had happened.


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