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pENyAKIT  wa.. Tapi wa Degil... wa.. x gie operate lagi.. ( dlm erti kata lain wa takut ok.. mana tau jadik apa apa ker ...ishhh dah lah PAhaLA sikit... tu yg takut.. mana tau time wat operate tu ..wa x bangun - bangun.. oooo tidakkk ngeriiii okkk.......)

Endometrioid cysts are a consequence of endometriosis.  Endometriosis happens when endometrial tissue travels beyond the uterus and begins growing in other areas of the body, usually the ovaries, fallopian tubes, outside of the uterus, and the pelvic floor.  This is the same tissue that makes up the lining of the uterus.  Every month, when the body signals the uterus to shed this tissue, it begins to bleed in other areas, causing intense pain.
Endometrioid cysts refers to this tissue growing in the ovaries.  It can create blood filled cysts that bleed every month.  It’s very painful, and can affect a woman’s fertility.

Causes of Endometrioid Cysts

The exact cause of endometrioisis has not been determined.  It is more common in women of childbearing age, though it has been found in girls as young as 11.  It seems to be slightly more common in women who have delayed pregnancy.
endometrial cystOne theory is that during the menstrual cycle, the menstrual flow backs up through the fallopian tubes and is deposited in other areas.  This tissue then sticks to the organs and continues to grow and bleed every month.
Another theory is that the cells outside the uterus mutate into endometrial cells.  A third possibility is that during surgery such as a C-section, endometrial cells are transferred out of the uterus into the surrounding area.
There have also been a few studies that suggest women who have endometriosis have slight differences in their immune function.  This change keeps the body from identifying endometrial cells outside the uterus and destroying them.

Endometrioid Cyst Symptoms

Endometrioid cysts can have several different effects.  Some women experience no symptoms.  Others will experience pain every menstrual cycle.  As the disease progresses, scar tissue can develop, causing infertility.

Treatment of Endometrioid Cysts

The only way to diagnose endometrioisis for sure is surgery.  However, doctors may suspect it from the rest of a woman’s symptoms and her ultrasound.  In many cases, endometriosis will resolve itself.   If not, a cocktail of drugs is usually prescribed.
The most common form of treatment is Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs.  These hormones simulate menopause, which helps the tissue to be reabsorbed.  However, these drugs have a lot of side effects.  Most doctors try to counter this by adding in small amounts of estrogen and progesterone.
There are several other drug based methods of relieving endometriosis.  For more information, please visit
In severe cases, surgery is done to remove the endometrial tissue. However, this has a recurrence rate of 40%.  It’s better to try to control this disease through medication

~~~ ohhh pelikkss.. can control through medication... ehhh naper semua doc yang wa jumpa suruh operate jerrrrr.. x der plak dia suruh amik ubat.....~~~ grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


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